After having Sunday off, I gave both WIPs some thought and decided it's worth switching to the romcom for the rest of the month. This way, I still get a manuscript at the end that I can work on.
I have a plan, but it's a very loose one. I also have an end-point, which is important as the romcom is essentially a mystery. I worked out the "crime" a while ago and thought it was funny enough to develop, so I wrote the set-up, have the solution, but matching the two together is the tricky bit in the middle. I also couldn't find the right backgrounds for the main characters to make the story work.
But something clicked on Sunday night and the cogs started moving.
Yesterday, I wrote 1,460 words. Today, I've just done 1,799 words. I am writing this one completely out of order, so the chapter I wrote to day is quite near the end. Yesterday, it was working about five chapters in.
The other thing to note is that romcom novels and cozy mysteries are generally much shorter, often around the 50k mark. The kind you can read in one or two sittings if the pace is right. My last two romcoms were just over 60k, so here's the daily counts for both.
With a current word count at 12,059:
To hit 50k, I need to write 1,581 words per day.
To hit 60k, I need to write 1,997 words per day.
I guess I'll keep going.
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